Let’s Get This Straight Hair!

Published Categorized as BestHairBuy

besthairbuy straight hair

Weather its Bangs or no bangs, you can’t deny how good it feels to have perfectly smooth and straight hair. With your hair cascading down your back to whatever dream length you want, how could you not be excited!

Our https://www.besthairbuy.com/ – Straight Hair range comes in multi tones and mono tones so you can match up or jazz up your current colours. Play around with tones, one or two tones lighter/darker than your original shade to create amazing hair with highlights and lowlights.

All of our hair is 100% human and can be coloured and styled with heat. We only use Remy hair in our range which guarantees you get the best effect.

Who is your celebrity Icon? Kardashian? Rhianna? Niki Minaj? I can guarantee whoever your top diva is, she will have adorned this gorgeous style of perfectly straight silky smooth locks for all to admire. And why not? The Straight Hair look gives us ladies a classy and youthful style with a princess feel and a diva entrance to any party or event.

With a range of lengths and weights, you will be able to tailor your own look and be happy with your results every time!

The Straight hair comes in all extension options and can be applied using the following techniques:

besthairbuy Hair Extensions:

Pre-bonded; using heat to melt the tips creating bond. This take 2-3 hours for application and will need replacing every time you refresh. But it looks natural and is easy to upkeep.

Micro Loop: using tiny micro rings to hold your extensions in place. This takes 2-3 hours for application and will last for as long as you keep it in good condition. The hair can be re used after every rotation.

Tape-in: these tiny almost invisible tapes hold the hair in place for up to three months and can be rotated and re used. The hair will look incredibly natural and it is good for those wanting to have their hair up as well as down.

Clip-in: easy peasy snap and go with these little wonders! Clip in and out daily and easy to maintain.

Sewn in: Cornrows are plaited into the hair and the weft is sewn into the hair.

Interlocking: This is where the weave is sewn straight into the hair.

All of these methods are proven and safe and give you the hair you long for!

Our hair is of best quality and will last as long as you take good care of it.


The Straight hair must be washed weekly, do not over wash to avoid hair falling out. On the other hand, if you don’t wash it regularly enough, you risk damaging the quality of the state of your scalp.

Stick to your stylists recommendations for a maintenance regiment to keep the hair at its best and lasting as long as possible.

Top tips

Afro American hair needs straightening properly before applying any Straight Hair extensions or weaves. This is to make sure the hair is straight enough to hold the bonding technique and the weight of the hair.
For the best results, wash your natural hair, start from clean and wet. Getting rid of your natural oil and dirt residue will give you a nice clean base to start with.

Section up your hair and dry it straight as possible, using oils like olive oil or hair oil spray is an excellent way to nourish your hair. Alternatively or in addition, you can use a good leave-in conditioner to moisturise your hair and scalp. Our prices are so discounted, you’re getting the best quality for the lowest amount of cash. Look after it and you’ll be making your money got even further!